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Diabolo Fraise
10 participants
Diabolo Fraise
Diabolo Fraise

Nombre de messages : 35596
Age : 34
Localisation : *__- Paris
Date d'inscription : 06/03/2006

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MessageSujet: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeMer 21 Fév - 17:27:27

Discutez ici au sujet de Selita
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Nombre de messages : 113
Age : 34
Localisation : montreal
Date d'inscription : 09/04/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeVen 1 Juin - 21:56:33

entrevue de selita

PR.com (Allison Kugel): How long have you been a Victoria's Secret

Selita Ebanks: Almost two years.

PR.com: As a Victoria's Secret contract model, what
are your responsibilities? I know there are the catalogs and the fashion

Selita Ebanks: Well, when you're contracted with Victoria's
Secret, like if you are contracted to any brand, you're not only just
a model. You're a spokeswoman. We do a lot of PR. We have to make [appearances]
and things of that nature, which I love. That's the highlight of my job.
I'm able to meet new people and talk about the new products and the brand,
and doing all the behind the scenes stuff.

PR.com: I saw some behind the scenes footage on YouTube
from your last fashion show (in December 2006) and it's pretty

Selita Ebanks: It's insane. There's so much going on.
This year it was in L.A. and it was ten times crazier than last year.
Last year was in New York; you show up and you do your press all day and
then you leave. This year we flew down two or three days before the actual
show and we had press every day. The contract girls: Karolina Kurkova,
myself, Gisele Bundchen, Izabel Goulart, Alessandra Ambrosio, and Adriana
Lima … we had set schedules. So our days started at 6 AM, and my
[day] would start at 4:30 AM because I have to work out. At 6 AM you go
into interviews, and then you go into meetings. Then we have rehearsal.
It never stops. Then we have a store appearance and autograph signings
and then you go to networks and do interviews again. It was pretty hectic,
but it was amazing; very humbling for me.

PR.com: I saw the video diary that you guys did for
People Magazine, on People.com. I got tired just watching it. I
felt like I would just need a nap. When I get off a plane all I want to
do is go to a hotel and watch pay per view and just crash for an hour.
You were just like, go go go go go! Where do you get your discipline to
wake up at 4:30 in the morning and go to the gym?

Selita Ebanks: I love my job so much that I actually
anticipate it. I can't sleep at night when I have something like that
to do. It excites me a lot. I'm like, "Ok, yes! Tomorrow…"
You're going over in your head all of the products and you have to study
[them]. We use them, but there are certain things that we have to study.
If we want to [do] good interviews then we have to know what we're talking
about. There are all those things that are going through your mind. For
me, I'm new at it. I think that with K.K., Gisele, Adriana and Alessandra…
those are the veterans; I just learn from them. I feel like if they're
not tired, then I shouldn't be tired either.

PR.com: Did you take the place of Tyra Banks, or is
it just coincidental that she retired from modeling and then you were
hired [by Victoria's Secret]?

Selita Ebanks: I think it was a coincidence. She was
going out and I was coming in. I think it all just happened at the right
time. Tyra's amazing. She said on her talk show that she was passing the
torch down, and that was a bit overwhelming! I was like, "Excuse
me. Don't say that! You're Tyra Banks!" Those are some pretty big
shoes. It's amazing and it's an honor. Sometimes, people, they do the
similarity thing: she's Tyra Banks and I'm Selita Ebanks. This
whole thing has just been a coincidence. It's crazy.

PR.com: And you were discovered by accident when you
were seventeen years old…

Selita Ebanks: Yeah, at Great Adventure…

PR.com: What did you want to do, or what did you think
you wanted to do before that day?

Selita Ebanks: Six months prior to that I went to Ford
Modeling Agency and they said I didn't have "it," whatever "it"
was. And I said, "Ok, that's fine." I was involved in my community.
I was taking NYU (New York University) law courses. I was always
very family oriented. My father is very strict about college, so I was
preparing for my SATs and I didn't really care. I was going to be an Entertainment
Lawyer. I was going to study Liberal Arts, undergrad, and then go on to
law school. And I wanted to be a writer as well. And I think, one day,
I still will accomplish those goals. I think I'm going to write something
one day. I'll probably write a book or something of that nature. I love
to write.

PR.com: What kinds of books do you like and what is
your writing style?

Selita Ebanks: I'm very poetic when I write. When I used
to write in high school, I won awards and competitions. I don't write
as much as I used to, so now it's hard to say what my genre of writing
would be. Now I've seen so much more and I've experienced so much more.
Now I think I'll be doing some articles in some magazines, but I'm not
sure which ones yet; for fashion.

PR.com: Like a column?

Selita Ebanks: Yeah, exactly. I think that's where I'm going
to start warming up again.

PR.com: What was your very first assignment when you
were contracted as a Victoria's Secret model?

Selita Ebanks: My very first job with Victoria's Secret,
and I wasn't signed yet, was for the Ipex Bra. There was me, Gisele,
and another girl. That was an amazing experience for me because I just
went into a casting for the commercial and I got it, and I was like, "WOW!"

PR.com: You have a very exotic look and I know you're
multiethnic. What is your background?

Selita Ebanks: My father is Jamaican and my mother is
from The Cayman Islands. I think that's where my exotic [look] comes from:
Caymanians. They are Irish, African and Indian. It's funny because when
you go there and try to see what a Caymanian really looks like, you can
never really pinpoint it, because we are all so different. But we all
have the traditional big forehead (laughs).

PR.com: (Laughs) And you do some community
service in The Cayman Islands as well?

Selita Ebanks: Yes. I have my own foundation down there.
It's called The Stardom Youth Foundation. It's a mentoring program. We
try to help motivate, educate and encourage young people to achieve their
goals, to reach for their dreams. In New York City I work with Free Arts.
It's an amazing program that helps endangered young people to just get
away from their hardship, and to encourage them to be young and fearless.
I work with them personally, the children. We have free art days and all
the kids come out, and there is one-on-one mentoring that day. We all
have arts and crafts, and we laugh and have pizza. You share time with
this young person that sometimes just needs a hug and needs someone to
listen to them.

PR.com: What has made you feel compelled to get involved
in community service and mentoring?

Selita Ebanks: I've always been that person that wants
to change the world (laughs). My father's always telling me, "Sel,
you're gonna go broke. You can't save everyone." My whole thing is
then I can contribute my part. Growing up in The Cayman Islands, even
growing up in general, I think there were times when we didn't have anything
and my mother would go to these organizations and charities and they would
provide for us, whether it was food or Christmas presents. Now as an adult,
I look back and I'm like, "If it wasn't for those programs and those
charities and those churches then our Christmases wouldn't have been Christmas.
I'm not saying my life is hard. I'm just saying it wasn't hard because
of these organizations. I think that's where it started, my whole thing
of wanting to give back. It does have an impact and it can change someone's
life. And you can change someone's life. The impact that…
just giving someone a pair of shoes will have on their life.

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Nombre de messages : 113
Age : 34
Localisation : montreal
Date d'inscription : 09/04/2007

Discussion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeVen 1 Juin - 21:57:08

PR.com: Absolutely. And giving time often means so
much more than just giving money…

Selita Ebanks: Oh yeah, I like to see where my donations
go. I like to be a part of that and experience it. In The Cayman Islands
there was a hurricane, Hurricane Charlie I believe. It ruined about 80%
of our island. A lot of young people were going to school with no shoes,
and they called me up and let me know. I called up some sponsors, Neiman
Marcus being one, and some other folks. They gave me a whole lot of sneakers
and shoes. I carried them down myself and I went to local schools and
I distributed them among the kids. One little boy came up to me. I said
to him, "How are you doing?" He said, "We don't have anything!"
And then I said, "Well open up the suitcase." He opened up the
suitcase and he said, "Are these for us?!" He gave me the biggest
hug! He was so small; he must have been 6 years old. His name was Jonathan,
and he was so sweet and I cried. I was the biggest baby in the world.

PR. com: Now everyone in The Cayman Islands is walking
around in some Neiman Marcus shoes thanks to Selita (laughs)!

Seilta Ebanks: (Laughs) We also got from Payless
Shoes. They have some great quality sneakers. So I got those and then
Nike and Adidas as well. So there was a whole lot of sneakers.

PR.com: That's great. I commend you on that. Let's
talk about body confidence. When you're doing this Victoria's Secret Fashion
Show, you're on stage in lingerie. You've got this huge audience, all
these photographers and now it's broadcast on network television. What
goes through your mind when you're walking down a runway like that, in

Selita Ebanks: With me, personally, I remind myself that
it's a show. I'm an entertainer and it's a show and I'm gonna put on the
best show I know how. I'm gonna walk out there with confidence and exude
this sexiness that only I can do. So that's my own… that's the little
person in my head reminding me as I'm walking out there, "Don't worry
about the ass jiggling. It's ok." Like this year I wore a thong and
I almost had a heart attack when I first fitted it. I didn't want to be
difficult or this diva, so I was just like, "Uh… ok. Sure, I'll
wear this thong." But you know what? It's kind of great because it
actually motivates me to work out. It's funny because women will come
up to me [and say], "I want to have your body. I want to lose weight,"
and this and that… and taking these diet pills and whatever. And
I always say to them, "No. You know what? Victoria's Secret, what's
so great about them is we appreciate and we exaggerate our curves."
That's why we're always pushing out a hip or pushing up a boob, because
it's sexy to be curvy. That's what women are…

PR.com: Agreed!

Selita Ebanks: In this industry we are small; we're petite.
That may be true, but we're not standing there like stick figures. That's
not going to sell lingerie. That doesn't make women feel beautiful. So
on the runway, I think, when I work out I always try to… I don't
want to lose weight because I'm so small as it is. It's all about being
lean and toned. I do squats because I like booty. And the women in my
family, from The Cayman Islands, they're very voluptuous. My father's
always reminding me, "You better stop eating that Popeye's [Chicken].
You're gonna wake up and you're gonna have a booty like your mama!"

PR.com: I'm 32 now and my father's been saying to
me, "One day, one day… you're gonna gain weight if you don't
stop eating sweets," for years! I'm 32 and I'm still a size 4, and
finally the other day he's like, "I guess you're never gonna gain
weight." (laughs)

Selita Ebanks: (Laughs) I guess not! I grew up
with a complex, being around all these beautiful, voluptuous women and
me being this little skinny girl. I had such the complex. I drank Mioplex,
weight gainer and ate oatmeal every morning. Anything to gain a little
bit of weight, and it never happened. It's so funny because this whole
industry is about losing weight and my whole life I've been trying to
gain some booty! And now you're telling me to get rid of it? No way!

PR.com: I agree. I look at women like Jennifer Lopez
and Salma Hayek and I'm like, "That's what I want." And
I don't understand this size zero business. I really don't understand

Selita Ebanks: Every woman is different and I think every
woman should appreciate what they have and know how to enhance it. You
know what, just love what you've got and go out there and be yourself.
Be sexy, because you are, because it comes from within, not because
someone says, "You're too big or you're too skinny or you're not
this or not that." That's crap. But on the runway, it's all about
fun and having a good time and being confident in who you are. I depend
a lot on my personality to shine through. I think that if I didn't have
that I would just be another girl.

PR.com: It's just so funny, because as you were talking
about going down the runway in a thong, I'm thinking that would be a lot
of women's worst nightmare. They'd wake up and be like, "I just had
the worst dream that I was on television in front of millions of people
in a thong…!" (laughs)

Selita Ebanks: (Laughs) When I found out, I was
like, "Don't you guys want to give me some nice little 'Boy Shorts'
or something?" And they were like, "No, no. The thong is great."

PR.com: Well you know what, now you can do anything

Selita Ebanks: Yeah, exactly (laughs)! Next year
I'll be like, "Ok guys, whatcha got? Whatcha got?"

PR.com: What are your fitness and diet tips?

Selita Ebanks: Every woman's body is different. What
works for me, because my frame is so small… I work out two weeks
prior to a show, five days a week, for an hour a day. We do a lot of weight
and core training. Not so much cardio, because I don't need to burn anything.
Actually my trainer, before we go to work out we have to eat breakfast.
For me that consists of bacon, pancakes, eggs and cheese. My trainer says
that because I'm so small, if I didn't eat those things that I would wither
away. And it's true. I'm so small. For me, going to the gym is just about
being toned and having muscle definition and enhancing some good qualities
about my body. But like I said, when women want to lose weight they shouldn't
look at it as losing weight or trying to look a certain way. I would say,
"Look, you're beautiful as you are." When you go to the gym
and you have a trainer, or whatever you are doing, you just want to tone
what you have. That's healthy. It's not about being skinny or losing weight.
We, as women, want to be healthy. And I think if you shop at VictoriasSecret.com
then anyone can be sexy…

(Good segway, Selita!)

PR.com: Right (Laughs) Good plug!

Selita Ebanks: (Laughs)

PR.com: Speaking of that, what's your favorite Victoria's
Secret bra and favorite Victoria's Secret panty?

Selita Ebanks: Right now it's the Secret Embrace Bra,
and I think it's going to be my favorite bra for a long time, because
I have one in every single color. What's so great about this bra is that
it comes in all different styles: full coverage, demi... it's great because
it's all in one technology. You don't feel or see the wire. It's super
light and it does exactly what it says it does, depending on which style
you're getting. It's an amazing bra and it comes in fun colors and patterns.

PR.com: And favorite Victoria's Secret panties…

Selita Ebanks: I think it's the Very Sexy Little Things
Underwear; the thong. They're so small and almost invisible, and I don't
feel them and you don't see them. I have, like, 5,000 nude ones.

PR.com: Do you ever get time to date?

Selita Ebanks: Not really. I try to concentrate on my
work and my career. I mean, I meet guys, but I'm so anal when it comes
to giving my time to someone. Unfortunately, I just haven't met someone
who has swept me off my feet.

PR.com: Are you getting bombarded now that you're
a Victoria's Secret model? Like a lot of guys in Hollywood or guys with
a lot of money think they can go out with you?

Selita Ebanks: You know, it's weird. You meet people
and they say things and you're like, "Oh, come on now! I know exactly
why you're trying to talk to me. It's not gonna happen dude." Because
I have seven brothers, and I completely see through the bullshit…

PR.com: You've heard all of their stories…

Selita Ebanks: Yeah. Heard it, seen it, done it. Gimme
a break! My brothers, they're like the "macs" of all "macs."
And nothing you're going to say is going to surprise me. But I have to
say that I've met so many people, and it's amazing that I know these people.
Just this weekend, I met some amazing people at the Superbowl. If anything,
I'm making great friends.

PR.com: What kinds of qualities do you look for in
a guy?

Selita Ebanks: I think it's honesty. I think it's really
sad when a guy wants to lie and cheat. Just be honest with me, because
then we'll save so much time. My pet peeve is bullshit. I like humorous
men, someone who knows how to laugh; someone who is spontaneous and [someone]
who can laugh at life and not take it so seriously.

PR.com: What do your seven brothers have to say about
your job?

Selita Ebanks: They're proud. I think my first show,
the year before last, was a shocker for them because I wore that little
purple bow. And of course it's broadcast all throughout The Cayman Islands,
and that's a Christian Island. I got some heat from it, but at the end
of the day, everyone is very proud. My brothers are very protective.
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Diabolo Fraise
Diabolo Fraise

Nombre de messages : 35596
Age : 34
Localisation : *__- Paris
Date d'inscription : 06/03/2006

Discussion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeVen 1 Juin - 22:05:50

Pour ceux qui ne savent pas lire l'anglais, et bien...vous êtes dans la crotte ^^
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Redacteur en chef
Redacteur en chef

Nombre de messages : 3757
Age : 32
Localisation : sarthe
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2007

Discussion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeVen 1 Juin - 23:25:12

mdr ^^ Pas qu'un peu ^^
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Nombre de messages : 113
Age : 34
Localisation : montreal
Date d'inscription : 09/04/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeSam 2 Juin - 10:08:42

en faite elle parle de son role dans VS elle dit que elle est pas seulement un top modele de la marque mais aussi une ambassadrice ou qu'elle aille elle doit representer la marque

elleparle aussi de ses origines et dufait qu'elle est 7 freres qui au debut de son aventure avec VS etaient retissant au fait qu'elle defile en sous vetement

elle dit que ce qu'elle prefere chez VS c'est la colletion VERY SEXY LITTLE THING elle dit que ces string sont geniaux ils ne se voient pas ect...

elle dit que se qu'elle cherche chez un homme c'est l'honneté

elle dit que quand elle etait petite elle ecrivait beaucoup elle a d'ailleurs gagné des prix et des compettion grace a ce talent

voila c'est a peu pres tout ce qu'elle en vraiment abregé
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Diabolo Fraise
Diabolo Fraise

Nombre de messages : 35596
Age : 34
Localisation : *__- Paris
Date d'inscription : 06/03/2006

Discussion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeSam 2 Juin - 11:48:19

D'accord, merci pour ce petit résumé Smile
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Redacteur en chef
Redacteur en chef

Nombre de messages : 3757
Age : 32
Localisation : sarthe
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2007

Discussion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeSam 2 Juin - 15:26:31

lowa a écrit:

elle dit que quand elle etait petite elle ecrivait beaucoup elle a d'ailleurs gagné des prix et des compettion grace a ce talent

Talentueuse en plus Smile
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Nombre de messages : 5872
Age : 32
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 09/04/2006

Discussion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeDim 11 Nov - 16:36:45

Elle s'est fiancée il y a quelques mois avec l'acteur/rapeur/présentateur TV Nick Cannon.

Discussion Cannes1_narrowweb__300x495,0

Discussion 73517990
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Membre VIP
Membre VIP

Nombre de messages : 8742
Age : 39
Localisation : 01
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2007

Discussion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeDim 11 Nov - 16:58:46

merci pour l'info ^^
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Diabolo Fraise
Diabolo Fraise

Nombre de messages : 35596
Age : 34
Localisation : *__- Paris
Date d'inscription : 06/03/2006

Discussion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeDim 11 Nov - 18:12:15

Ils vont bien ensemble je trouve Smile
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Redacteur en chef
Redacteur en chef

Nombre de messages : 2462
Age : 35
Localisation : rennes
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2006

Discussion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeDim 11 Nov - 18:16:42

elle merite mieux !
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Nombre de messages : 5872
Age : 32
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 09/04/2006

Discussion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeDim 23 Déc - 19:02:04

Discussion Nick-cannon-selita-ebanks-engagement-party

Photo de leur soirée de fiançailles.
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Membre VIP
Membre VIP

Nombre de messages : 8742
Age : 39
Localisation : 01
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2007

Discussion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeDim 23 Déc - 19:57:53

wouahh le gateau !! merci ^^
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Discussion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeVen 13 Juin - 18:11:11

Je n'aime pas du tout Selita
D'après moi c'est la moins belle des VS
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- Adjo0uw -
- Adjo0uw -

Nombre de messages : 14
Age : 30
Localisation : Vitry
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Discussion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeMar 24 Juin - 19:24:29

Moi je trouve Selita très belle et elle a beaucoup de charme. Maintenant Nick est mariée avec Mariah
Carey et Selita a dit qu'elle était heurese pour eux. Personelement je trouve quils
formait un super beau couple il été meme fiancé! Maintenant des
rumeurs dise qu'elle sort avec Kanye West ( fraichement séparée de sa
fiancée Alexis pfeifer ). Elle est meme apparue dans un clip de Pharell
et Kanye West qui s'apelle Number One. Mais le clip est pas récent donc c'était juste une coincidence! Laughing
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Nombre de messages : 5872
Age : 32
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 09/04/2006

Discussion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeMar 24 Juin - 20:56:33

- Adjo0uw - a écrit:
Moi je trouve Selita très belle et elle a beaucoup de charme. Maintenant Nick est mariée avec Mariah

J'étais dégoutée quand j'ai appris leur mariage !!! Je ne sais pas si tu as vu l'énorme "Mariah" qu'il s'est fait tatouer dans le dos.

-Adjo0ouw- a écrit:
Maintenant des
rumeurs dise qu'elle sort avec Kanye West [/size]

J'ai aussi entendu ça.
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- Adjo0uw -
- Adjo0uw -

Nombre de messages : 14
Age : 30
Localisation : Vitry
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Discussion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeMer 25 Juin - 0:14:18

Ouais j'ai cherché un peu sur internet les photo et j'ai vu ca !
Discussion Ab10a9bd7a60fe259d19521797cd6cbf20080624211737

En plus je crois pas trop que leur histoire va durer. Marier au bout de 2 mois lol. J'aurai préféré qui se marie avec Selita y aller bien ensemble
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Nombre de messages : 5872
Age : 32
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 09/04/2006

Discussion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeMer 25 Juin - 14:28:45

C'est clair ! Ils étaient trop choux ensemble.
Au passage, j'aime beaucoup ta sign.
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- Adjo0uw -
- Adjo0uw -

Nombre de messages : 14
Age : 30
Localisation : Vitry
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Discussion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeMer 25 Juin - 17:04:42

Merci beaucoup =D
Edit :

Je cherchais des photos de selita qui défilé pour VS et l'a quand j'agrandit ctete photo Discussion 3411dcf75787548c2a0ce6cdc50cc87d20080626111520

J'aperçoit une sorte de tatouages. Mais je suis pas sur que s'en est en
zoom sur le tatoo clik.

C'est un tatouage sa ?
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Nombre de messages : 64
Age : 34
Localisation : Paris and london
Date d'inscription : 14/07/2008

Discussion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeLun 14 Juil - 23:59:28

elle a un visage particulier et trop bizarre ...
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Nombre de messages : 5872
Age : 32
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 09/04/2006

Discussion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeMar 15 Juil - 3:02:54

Ouais il me semble que s'en est un.

Behati, explique pourquoi tu trouves qu'elle a un visage "trop bizzare". Enfin, je ne la trouve pas si différente des mannequins noires américaines.
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- Adjo0uw -
- Adjo0uw -

Nombre de messages : 14
Age : 30
Localisation : Vitry
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008

Discussion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeMar 15 Juil - 11:55:27

Le tatouage discret mais il est pas très beau =/.
Ouais Behati explique.
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Nombre de messages : 24
Age : 34
Localisation : Québec
Date d'inscription : 08/11/2010

Discussion Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeLun 8 Nov - 3:10:30

Je la trouve assez jolie moi. Elle a du charme je trouve. Elle a quelque chose de différent .
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Nombre de messages : 24
Age : 35
Localisation : France
Date d'inscription : 18/06/2011

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MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitimeMar 28 Juin - 15:54:35

Moi je fais une fixation sur ses dents, elles sont parfaites, elle a un sourire magnifique, en gros je la trouve très jolie, elle a bcp de charme!!!
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MessageSujet: Re: Discussion   Discussion Icon_minitime

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